The Battle of Mogobich

There is a legend that tells of the origins of the office of the Orkoiyot. It tells of a fierce battle that took place between the Nandi and the Illwasin Kishu Maasai at Mogobich near Lessos, a battle not just for land but for the precious minerals it contained, the salt licks of Ngabunat.

The battle raged on for days and weeks, blood was spilled and honor attained, sons were lost and warriors were made. Eventually the battle was won, the Nandi emerged victorious.

The tale further tells of a Maasai woman named Moki, it tells that she was unable to escape with the rest. She thus hid in a cave that a pride of lions prowled around and kept safe.

Within this space she gave birth to twin boys, Barsapotwa and Kobogoi by name, and around it they played.

Soon enough there came a day that their play was spied by Nandi herdsmen, who immediately tried to capture them.

And it was to the cave that the boys ran where the lions kept them safe.

The Nandi tried getting the woman and her children out but to no avail. So they turned to the elders who consulted then summoned the Talai, brothers of lion.

The clan members spoke to their kin and the lions gave access to the woman who when questioned told of her lineage. She was wife to a Laibon, in her children flowed the blood of prophesy.

The Talai adopted the woman and her two sons into their clan who took over Nandi leadership giving birth to names like Koitalel that stand tall to this day.