Bonjoge National Reserve

It seems like a scene from outer space, at least another world. Undulating hills stretch into the distance; peppered with thousands, maybe millions, of boulders strewn across amazing vistas. The sun's bright rays are shaded from moment to moment by the colorful wings of birds darting across the sky. And just then, sight of the Colobus and De-Brazza, the duiker and the bush pig, remind you that you most certainly must be in a corner of that great African continent.

This is the Bonjoge National Reserve!

The land was once a fertile area of great biodiversity with numerous rivers, swathed in riverine woodland, that flowed down to the Lake Victoria Basin; but, in recent times, it has undergone exploitation and depletion by human activities.

Fortunately, it is now protected and restored through the agency of the Kenya Wildlife Service and today provides fine country for walking and camping.